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Austria: Schoenherr attains EIA permit for Rustenfeld wind farm for ImWind and BLOCH3

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Austria: Schoenherr advises Managers on issue of EUR 1bln Mortgage Pfandbriefe by Erste Group

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start-up financing

This primer offers a general overview of the key legal issues arising within the life cycle of a start-up.
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Annual edition of the Schönherr Datenschutzmonitor for 2024

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Recent changes to Hungary's EPR system: new sanctions and a shift from environmental product fees to EPR

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press release

24 January 2025


C.Jirak C.Schmelz S.Wolf

Austria: Schoenherr attains EIA permit for Rustenfeld wind farm for ImWind and BLOCH3

Schoenherr achieved an important milestone for ImWind and BLOCH3 by attaining a legally binding EIA permit for the "Rustenfeld" wind farm in Lower Austria.

press release

Austria: Schoenherr advises Managers on issue of EUR 1bln Mortgage Pfandbriefe by Erste Group

Schoenherr advised the Managers on the successful issue of EUR 1bln 3.000 % Mortgage Pfandbriefe (Hypothekenpfandbriefe) due 2032 by Erste Group Bank AG.

press release

Austria: Schoenherr advises HS Timber Group on acquisition of Vika Wood SIA, Latvia

Schoenherr advised HS Timber Group on the acquisition of 100 % of the shares in the Latvian sawmill Vika Wood SIA from Swedish Bergs Timber AB.


legal insights


23 January 2025





21 January 2025


V.Hiesz B.Darcsi

Recent changes to Hungary's EPR system: new sanctions and a shift from environmental product fees to EPR

In 2023, Hungary introduced the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) system, which places the financial responsibility for the waste management of circular products on producers. The EPR system encompasses a wide range of product streams, including packaging, single-use and other plastic products, electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators, motor vehicles, tyres, office paper, advertising paper, cooking oil and fat, textile products and wooden furniture. Producers, or in the case of foreign manufacturing, the first domestic distributor of such products, are required to comply with registration, reporting and EPR fee payment obligations.


20 January 2025



News Alert: Croatia set to introduce proper FDI screening mechanism

The Croatian Government is preparing to establish a comprehensive system for screening foreign direct investments (FDIs) by adopting the new Act on the Screening of Foreign Direct Investments (the "Act"). The Act will align the current Croatian legal framework with Articles 3 and 4 of EU Regulation 2019/452, ensuring compliance with European Union standards for investment screening. The draft Act is still not available to the public. According to the Croatian Government's plan of legislative activities for 2025, the new Act and its implementation are now in the hands of the Ministry of Finance, with finalisation expected in the first quarter of 2025 (available here)


17 January 2025


G.Ebner G.Steidl

Austria: Supreme Court confirms: partial transfer of share permissible subject to shareholder approval, despite agreed indivisibility

The Austrian Supreme Court (6 Ob 224/23v) recently determined the requirements for a partial transfer of a share if the articles of association expressly stipulate that shares cannot be divided.


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