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Schoenherr's public procurement team is comprised of highly regarded public procurement law experts who have broad and long-standing experience in advising clients in all aspects of this field of law.
Having worked on some of the most complex public procurements and public-private partnership projects in CEE/SEE, across all major industries (such as health, energy, infrastructure, and public transport), Schoenherr's public procurement team is aware of the economic, legal and industry-related challenges and expectations (such as sustainable, green and innovative procurement) involved in procurement procedures. We focus on providing tailored and innovative solutions and structures to optimise the functional and economic success of each procurement project. We support purchasing entities in all stages of procurement procedures, from the initial commercial assessment to the final award and performance of the contract. Our expertise includes structuring and designing the procurement procedures, preparing suitable strategies for dealing with the rules, providing clear and structured advice, and anticipating and addressing potential issues. In addition, we help mediate in potential disputes with tenderers, but can also initiate and handle court proceedings if necessary.
Companies face substantial barriers, such as administrative obstacles (e.g. formal requirements), discriminatory, technical and legal tender submission requirements, or a lack of knowledge of the legal context when taking part in public procurement procedures, especially in cross-border procurement procedures. Due to our CEE/SEE presence, Schoenherr's public procurement team is able to provide structured advice covering the whole region. Combining our in-depth knowledge of the EU framework and our long-standing experience with the specific domestic legal rules and administrative practices allows us to address potential issues at an early stage in a project and to anticipate potential risks. Working for both public and private sector partners, we have acquired transferable skills which we apply to identify opportunities and risks in procurement procedures. By providing insightful legal, commercial and strategic guidance, we successfully navigate our clients through cross-border tender procedures, and help them to enforce public procurement rules, and challenge infringements of procurement law before the national courts and review authorities, if required.
Constantly being involved in and advising on various aspects of major infrastructure and energy ppps and concession projects in the region, we understand the financial and operational drivers behind ppp projects, and provide tailored legal advice. Working closely with Schoenherr's corporate, banking & finance, construction and energy experts, the procurement team prepares complete legal documentation and provides advice on all legal aspects and in all phases of ppp and concession projects, such as legal risk assessments, the contractual framework, preparation and structuring of the tender procedure, financial close, or the implementation of the project and ex–post facto evaluation tasks.
Neuerliche Anhebung der EU-Schwellenwerte für europaweite Vergabeverfahren
Nach der letzten Anpassung im Jänner 2022 werden die Schwellenwerte für EU-weite Vergabeverfahren mit 1. Jänner 2024 neuerlich angehoben. Mit den am 16.11.2023 veröffentlichen delegierten Verordnungen der Europäischen Kommission "2023/2495", "2023/2496", "2023/2497" und "2023/2510" wurden folgende Anhebung der Schwellenwerte bekannt gemacht:
Schwellenwerteverordnung 2023 in Kraft getreten: Alles wieder beim Alten!
Die in § 12 bzw § 185 Bundesvergabegesetz 2018 ("BVergG 2018") normierten Schwellenwerte stellen die Grenze ("Schwelle") zwischen dem sog Oberschwellenbereich ("OSB") und dem Unterschwellenbereich ("USB") dar.
Foreign Subsidies Regulation: The new kid on the block
On 28 November 2022, the Council of the European Union gave its final approval to the Regulation on Foreign Subsidies distorting the Internal Market (FSR) following the adoption of the regulation by the European Parliament on 10 November 2022.