Hinweisgebern muss ermöglicht werden, Missstände aufzudecken. Schon jetzt Vertrauen in interne Systeme zu schaffen, ist vorteilhaft.
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Read through our compliance & internal investigations team's articles, publications and news.
Navigating the CSDDD: a game changer for business and human rights
The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is a landmark piece of legislation that aims to promote sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour in the EU and beyond. It establishes mandatory due diligence obligations for large companies to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for how they address actual and potential impacts on human rights and the environment in their chain of activities. It also requires companies to adopt and implement a climate transition plan. Overall, the CSDDD has significant implications for companies operating in or with the EU, as it introduces new obligations, liabilities and risks, as well as opportunities.
The evolution of internal investigations in corporate compliance
In recent years, our CEE teams have become increasingly involved in cross-border internal investigations, involving the implementation of complex compliance policies in subsidiaries that operate without direct on-site oversight. The growing demand for our involvement is underpinned by various factors, including parent companies' challenges in navigating the particularities of CEE countries, where cultural differences collide with group values. A trusted third party has become indispensable in bridging this "gap".
Is there a pilot onboard? Coordinating the application of restrictive measures at the EU's eastern border
Although EU Council regulations on restrictive measures are directly applicable, their implementation varies significantly across Member States. This issue was highlighted by recent experiences with sanctions against Russia, Belarus and the occupied territories of Ukraine. The divergent political, economic and security interests of EU Member States are likely the root cause of these disparities.
FinTech frontier: Mapping compliance challenges and opportunities in CEE
In the rapidly evolving world of financial technology (FinTech), regulatory frameworks are crucial in shaping the industry's landscape. As FinTech companies innovate and disrupt traditional financial services, understanding the regulatory environment is essential.
Seizure and examination of mobile data in Austria: new legal framework finally passed in parliament
It has been a long time coming and surrounded by much controversy, but on 11 December 2024, the Austrian Parliament finally passed a draft bill on the seizure of mobile data carriers for the purpose of examining data stored on and accessed through them. Scheduled to come into force by 1 January 2025, for the first time the seizure of these data will be governed by a legal framework specifically designed for these investigative steps.
Key implications of the NIS 2 Directive: increased liability risk for management and broader scope
The revision of the NIS Directive (EU) 2016/1148 ("NIS 1") was published on 27 December 2022 in the form of Directive (EU) 2022/2555 ("NIS 2") and entered into force on 16 January 2023. NIS 2 is the Commission's response to Member States' inconsistent and fragmented implementation of NIS 1. The revision of this first EU-wide cybersecurity legislation will mean significant and far-reaching changes for companies in "critical" sectors.
Staying compliant in a digital world: why companies should take note of AI
In an era of rapid technological advancement, businesses face an ever-evolving regulatory landscape.
The 12th EU sanctions package in limbo
At the time of this writing, diplomatic efforts were underway to reach consensus on the next package of
sanctions against Russia. A significant point of contention is the "no-Russia clause", which would force EU
companies to implement a re-export prohibition to Russia for all goods in the list of custom codes. Only
time will tell how this will be resolved.
Supply chain compliance: a win for ESG sustainability or just more red tape?
2023 began with further compliance challenges. Large German companies must adhere to the due diligence requirements of the new German Supply Chain Act, which aims to foster human rights and environmental standards. In parallel, the European legal initiative for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive on due diligence in supply chains is progressing. A worldwide movement to hold companies responsible for activity across their supply chains is accelerating, ushering in a new era of ESG compliance for companies and their advisors.
The German Supply Chain Act: additional compliance measures required?
The German Supply Chain Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz; "LkSG"), which applies to companies seated in Germany or operating a German branch with 3,000 or more employees, entered into force on 1 January 2023.
EU: The end of a dry spell – NIS 2 published
After several delays, the revision of the NIS Directive was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 27 December 2022 in the form of Directive (EU) 2022/2555 ("NIS 2").
Russia Sanctions: 7th sanctions package
The 7th sanctions package of the EU was published in the Official Journal. Both Regulation (EU) 269/2014 (individual financial sanctions) and Regulation (EU) 833/2014 (trade restrictions, capital market restrictions, etc.) have been modified.
03 June 2022
Russia Sanctions: 6th sanctions package
The 6th sanctions package was published. Find out more about the changes introduced.
Russia's invasion of Ukraine, its impact on gas supplies procured by Austrian manufacturing companies and force majeure
Plea bargaining: a new trend in European criminal proceedings
The originally Anglo-American common law concept of plea bargaining has become a phenomenon within a number of European civil law countries in recent decades.
CZ: Schoenherr Journal Edition 11
The Schoenherr Journal, published by Schoenherr's Prague office, examines the latest important legal developments in the Czech Republic.
Whistleblower: Warum Unternehmen nicht auf das Gesetz warten sollten
This article was published in Die Presse, on 22 November 2021.
Hinweisgebern muss ermöglicht werden, Missstände aufzudecken. Schon jetzt Vertrauen in interne Systeme zu schaffen, ist vorteilhaft.
Follow the money! How to stay compliant with anti-money laundering regulations | Webinar
Webinar organised by the Romanian publication Avocatnet together with Schoenherr Bucharest | 1 July 2021 | 11:00 am (Romania time) | Language: Romanian
Coming up Next: UBO Register in Hungary
Hungary was one of the last EU countries to introduce a register of ultimate beneficial owners. While the provisions of the Fourth and Fifth AML Directives were already implemented in the Hungarian AML Act, the technical conditions on the actual operation of the UBO register were only adopted by Act XLIII of 2021 ("UBO Register Act") and are in force as of 22 May 2021.
Whistleblowing: what new duties will arise for employers? | Czech Republic
The Chamber of Deputies is currently discussing at first reading a bill on the protection of whistleblowers. This act should implement the European directive on whistleblowing1, and should therefore become effective within the implementation period, i.e. no later than 17 December 2021.
Bulgaria: Working remotely during the COVID-19 crisis - Is the risk for your trade secrets remote?
As the COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly spread across Europe, more and more companies have been forced to implement remote working arrangements for their employees.
Bulgaria: Deadline for Update of AML Internal Rules
Under Bulgarian anti-money laundering law, all obliged entities must adapt their internal rules in accordance with Article 101 of the Bulgarian Anti-Money Laundering Act ("AMLA") within six months following the publication of a national assessment of the risks related to money laundering and terrorism financing ("National Risk Assessment") on the website of the State Agency for National Security ("SANS").
Cyber-attacks and business secrets - Protection under criminal law
Business secrets are essential assets of companies, and are often the reason for a company having a competitive lead in a market. Thus, they constantly seek to develop new technologies, algorithms or software to create such intangible assets.
24 June 2019
austria bosnia & herzegovina bulgaria croatia croatia czech republic hungary north macedonia moldova montenegro poland romania serbia slovakia slovenia türkiye
A basic primer to internal investigations in CEE
Legal Alert for Approaching Deadline of UBO Registration
Bulgarian anti-money laundering law requires that companies and other entities having their seat in Bulgaria register their ultimate beneficial owner(s).
Increased and uniform protection is coming: EU adopts new rules protecting and encouraging whistleblowing
Scandals from Danske Bank to LuxLeaks and the Panama Papers would never have come to light were it not for insiders who dared to expose major wrongdoings within companies and organisations.
Romania: Cybersecurity - call for action for major companies in critical sectors
The first piece of EU-wide legislation on cybersecurity is expected to be transposed into Romanian law anytime now, bringing into play enhanced system security obligations for major companies in certain sectors, as well as fines of up to 5 % of non-compliant companies' turnover.
Austria: Increased due diligence obligations for shareholder creditors?
The Austrian Insolvency Code provides for the possibility to challenge certain disadvantageous transactions carried out by the debtor after material insolvency has occurred, especially if the creditor knew or should have known of its debtor's material insolvency.
Health and safety at work in Romania: What companies need to know to be safe
Failure to take or observe the mandatory measures for health and safety at work may entail, among other types of liability (e.g. civil, administrative), potential criminal liability for employers.
Non-compliance in the Healthcare Sector - Iceberg ahead! - Austria
If anyone needed a wakeup call as to how critical a functioning compliance system and culture is, look no further than the recent reports in the Austrian media about allegations of fraud launched against a surgeon working at one of Vienna's most renowned public-sector hospitals.
Austria/SEE: Schoenherr advises immigon and VR-Leasing on sale of VB-Leasing International
Schoenherr has advised German VR-Leasing AG ("VR-Leasing"), a leasing subsidiary of DZ Bank, and Austrian immigon portfolioabbau ag ("immigon"), the wind down company of the former Österreichische Volksbanken-Aktiengesellschaft, on the sale of VB-Leasing International to a consortium of partners consisting of APS, a leading CEE/SEE distressed debt investment advisor and manager, Nomura, the Asia-headquartered financial services group, and Balbec Capital, a global private investment firm.
Romania: Significant changes to the payment of contravention fines
The payment methods of contravention fines have been simplified as of 24 August 2018 by Act No. 203/2018, on the measures to increase the efficiency of the payment of contravention fines, published in the Official Gazette, Part I, no. 647 of 25 July 2018 (the "Law"). The Law sets forth measures aimed at facilitating the payment of contravention fines.
Romania: One step closer to enforcing Fourth AML Directive: changes for private companies regarding ownership transparency
Following the entry into force of the Fourth Anti-money Laundering (AML) Directive (2015/849) in 2015, Ireland, Greece, the Netherlands and Romania are still in the process of passing appropriate implementation measures into national law. As such, they have exceeded the 26 June 2017 transposition deadline by one year.
Austria: Responsibility to investigate - an update on avoidance risks
Following the opening of insolvency proceedings, the insolvency receiver typically tries to enlarge the insolvency estate by asserting voidance claims. Legal acts that occurred within certain suspect periods prior to the opening of insolvency proceedings might be declared void. Creditors may mitigate certain avoidance risks by investigating the debtor's financial situation when conducting legal transactions.
A "private sphere" for entrepreneurs – are you ready for the new Trade Secrets Directive?
While companies generally do not have a right of privacy (at least under Austrian law), the protection of trade secrets has a somewhat similar objective: to grant leeway for development, which others must respect.
Romania: Authorities Start Imposing Sanctions for Lack of Fire Safety Authorisations
From 1 October 2017, the Romanian fire safety authorities may start imposing sanctions on the beneficiaries of existing construction projects in Romania who failed to obtain (or at least apply for) the mandatory fire safety authorisation.
Austria: Schoenherr named "Austrian Law Firm of the Year" and awarded for "European Restructuring Deal: HETA" by IFLR
Schoenherr was named "Austrian Law Firm of the Year" by renowned legal publisher International Financial Law Review ("IFLR") at the IFLR European Awards Ceremony held in London on 20 April.
Protecting your trade secrets in the EU
A new EU Directive aimed at protecting know-how and business information can strengthen the position of your start-up if you take the necessary precautionary measures.
Czech Republic: New Developments in Corporate Criminal Liability
The Czech Act No. 418⁄2011 Coll. on the Criminal Liability of Corporations and Proceedings against Them (the “Act”) has been criticised for containing only the minimum requirements arising from the Czech Republic’s international commitments so far. The new amendment to the Act, effective from 1 December 2016 (the “Amendment”), will extend the range of criminal acts for which corporate entities may be criminally prosecuted, and also the possibilities to exclude their liability.
Whistleblowers' Protection Blowing the whistle on company wrongdoings, made easy
Say one of your employees obtains (or believes he/she has obtained) information on illegal or harmful activities in a work-related context (such as data protection breaches, money laundering, or tax fraud).